Thursday, December 30, 2010

Harimau Malaya mengaum ...

Walaupun, terkedu di Stadium Gelora Bung Karno malam tadi, apabila kalah 2-1 ditangan Indonesia, kemenangan pertama di Stadium Bukit Jalil dengan 3-0, memberi ruang kepada Malaysia membawa pulang Piala Suzuki AFF dengan agregat 4-2. Oh ya ... USD100,000.00.
Maka bergembiralah lagi rakyat Malaysia apabila PM Najib, mengistiharkan bahawa 31hb Disember 2010 sebagai cuti umum. Seronok sakan lah semua yang bekerja, yang dah memang cuti boleh 'claim' balik ke cuti tahun, dan yang mana kena kerja dapat lah 'claim overtime'.
Kita sememangnya perlukan kemenangan ini untuk menaikan semangat rakyat Malaysia, dan ramailah nanti nak tumpang 'glamour' . Jangan sampai lebih-lebih sudahlah, kita belum menang 'FIFA World Cup' lagi tau, nanti lain kali naik tocang si pemain, bagi itu ini lupa cara main bola. Ada yang nak beri tanah ke, pingat Dato ke dan sebagainya, tunggu dulu.
Kalau kat SEA Games, Asian Games dan Olympics masih TETAP satu pingat aje tau.
Akhir kata, TAHNIAH Rajagopal, Khairul Fahmi Che Mat,Mohd Asaruddin Putra Omar,Mohd Sabre Abu, Mohamad Muslim Ahmad, Mohd Fadhli Mohd Shas,Safiq Rahim, Amar Rohidan, (Razman Roslan) S.Kunalan, Mohamad Ashari Samsudin (Mohd Amri Yahyah) Safee Sali (Izzaq Faris), Norshahrul Idlan Talaha. Selamat berjaya lagi.
Saya baru perasan, sekarang ni logo FAM tak ada, tapi JALUR GEMILANG ... terpampang baru lah betul.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

LKY ... ass if he's the only smart one around

Just read this articles by Art Harun and just feels right to link it for all those who missed his points, since all points stated I do agree fully. So enjoy ...

ARTiculations: Dear Mr Lee,

I still support Dr M's crooked bridge, if ever PM Najib will built it !!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Skeleton in the closet

Just wants to highlight a simple point, be it here in Malaysia or any where in the world. The Wikileaks expose' is actually a blessing in disguise.

Why ???

Now suddenly people can have excess to info that could be true or just here say. The problem is that the person saying it, all this while he/she thought that no one or nobody can have excess to what was said, now suddenly it was recorded as such.

Lee Kuan Yew says this, Mahthir says that, Bush says so, Ahmad DiNejad says otherwise. In the end who do you believe, what good does it do to you. When the statement concur with the way you think, you say see he does it because so and so says so. What if ... what if what was leak says something that is against you?

Sue ... Summon ....

Intelligence here, and intelligence there its what you have to do in your effort to anticipate situation, hoping very well that your vision what ever it is shall be justified, along the way, it could be just your opinion, and and opinion is what it is, sometime right and sometime wrong, and it is part of what we call fear.

False Evidence Appearing Real ... sound interesting.

So as much as possible, should you have any skeleton in your closet, be ready.

If NOT what have you got to be worried about.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Malayan Railway ... KTMB

Just came back from Penang, well actually Seberang Prai by rail. Sinaran Mutiara 11pm (delayed to 12 midnight) due to late arrival of the train from Singapore. Just imagine if the double track is ready, this might not be an issue.

But ...

there is a stop order by CM Lim Guan Eng because the work on the double track could be the cause of the flood in Kedah, and he is worried that this could happen to Penang (Seberang Prai). He needs guarantees by the contractor's (MMC-Gamuda). Hopefully it will be for the benefit of the people and not unnecessarily politicize.

Its been a long time since I last took the train, but surprisingly, nothing has change, except the ticketing. This made me think, if the money spend on the double track gonna be worthwhile, when basic requirement for passenger on the train 1st class (RM67.00), Economy (RM34.00), or at station and Terminal are so out of date and very minimal.

All over the world, rail transport plays a major role in land transportation, and I do hope we will be able to this a reality, but really ... not sure with what I experience last night.

Next ... took the KTM Kommuter to Shah Alam, jam packed (which means there are demand), but the train condition and its frequency should be enhanced. KTM should also take advantage of all its stop, station and create a viable commercial centre.

Soon ... KTM South bound will stop no longer in Tanjung Pagar ... now this is what PM Najib wants, but I do not agree, and I think that most Malaysian do not think so either.

Actually ... is it reversible ???

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Berapa ramaikah yang akan mendapatkan Inspiration?

Suka dengan tidak, akan ada yang menyokong, seterusnya membuat tempahan (ada yang dah tempah pun dan mungkin dah ada diatas jalan raya), dan ada yang sedang nak 'test drive', ada juga yang sedang isi borang dan tak kurang juga yang tak dapat nak pakai kerana tak mampu, atau dah kena 'blacklist'.

Dan ramai juga yang akan kutuk dan kondem macam MP dari Kinabatangan tu, atau pun mereka yang sewaktu dengannya, tak kira lah dari BN atau PR. Yang kaki kutuk dan kondem ni, akan terus dan sentiasa kutuk dan kondem, kerana pada mereka disebabkan oleh Proton, mereka tak dapat pakai kereta resmi yang selain Proton atau pun disebabkan oleh Proton harga kereta lain menjadi lebih mahal.

Tapi ...

hakikatnya, mahal ke apa, masih melambak lagi kereta jenama lain di Malaysia ni, jadi pada yang mampu, beli ajelah kereta lain tu, lagi ramai yang beli, enjoylah, pada yang kurang mampu, tax yang dia orang bayar tu dapatlah kat kita secara tak langsung.

tak kurang juga yang kata tukar label aje, dah tu mula dari tukar label la, macam la pembuat lain tu tak tukar label? Yang beli Proton tukar Mitsubisbi tu biasa la, perodua tukar daihatsu, dan Toyota Harrier tukar Lexus tu ... apa?

Tun Dr Mahathir pencetus idea Proton ni, ada cerita bab Proton Exora yang menang satu pertandingan kat UK, baca disini. Ini tentang teknologi hijau dan hybrid. Mungkin dalam masa yang akan datang, yang kaki kutuk dan kondem ni jadi peminat. Yang utama, Proton kenalah sentiasa memperbaiki mutu dan yang paling peting 'after sales service' kena lah yang terbaik. Kalau yang sokong pakai kerana minat, suka dan patriotik dan MAMPU ni di jaga dengan baik, rasanya minat yang lain akan bertambah.

Anak2 saya masa dalam kereta akan sentiasa tanya, abah ...

1. itu kereta apa ?

2. buat kat mana?

Selain dari, Jepun (Toyota/Nissan/Mitsubishi/Mazda ...), Korea (Kia/Hyundai...), Itali (Fiat/Ferrari/Meserati/Alfa romeo ...), Jerman (Mercedes/BMW/Volkswagen/Audi ...), Perancis (Peugeot ...), UK (Austin Martin/Jaquar/Rolls Royce ...) dan sebagainya. Ada juga dari Russia, India. Tapi ...

Malaysia juga di iktiraf sebagai pembuat kereta. Baru lagi ... 25 tahun aje, tapi kena sentiasa tingkatkan kualiti, supaya kita sama sama berbangga. Industri ini akan terus berkembang, ramai yang mendapat manafaatnya, hanya usaha yang lebih serius perlu.

Dulu orang kata kereta Jepun dibuat dari Tin Milo, sekarang ????

Monday, November 1, 2010

Adakah kita keadilan begini ???

Akhirnya, cerita tentang Hakim Pao yang berusaha menegakkan keadilan dapat dilengkapkan.

Perancangnya sebenarnya adalah anak Raja Chai (Chai Yu) dari Dinasti yang terdahulu. Peta lombong tersebut diberikan oleh datuknya yang pada waktu dulu adalah Maharaja yang di guling kan. Chai Yu merasakan lombong tersebut milik keluarganya dan ingin mengumpulkan emas dari lombong tersebut bagi membina kuasa tentera bagi mendapatkan balik tahta yang terlepas. Dia merasakan dia berhak.

Akhirnya dalam penyiasatan Halim Bao, serta perbicaraan yang dilakukan, Cjhai Yu didapati bersalah dan dihukum pancung. Dalam proses memancung mengunakan Pancung Kepala Naga, Raja Chai ayah Chai Yu telah datang ke Mahkamah membawa satu satu "perintah Maharaja" dimana boleh dilepaskan dari dihukum mati. Tapi Hakim Bao telah menolak kerana perintah tersebut hanya untuk Raja Chai dan bukan untuk anaknya. walaupun dipujuk dan Raja Chai sanggup melepaskan haknya, Hakim Bao terus bertegas untuk meneruskan pemancungan.

Akhir cerita, Chai Yu yang di tuduh perancang utama pembrontakkan dan juga menyebabkan ramai rakyat yang dipaksa melombong emas terbunuh di pancung.

Yang menarik dari siri ini, ialah keadilan dapat ditegakkan walaupun ...

1. Raja Chai dari kerabat di Raja,
2 Rakan rapat Hakim Pao.
3. Anak raja tidak terkecuali walaupun ada "perintah maharaja"
4. Pilih kasih dalam menjalankan tugas.

Apa juga, yang sebenarnya diutarakan adalah keadilan yang diharapkan oleh semua. Kita di Malaysia hari ini amnya sangat-sangat mengharapkan keadilan serta kejujuran. Undang-undang ditegakkan, kejujuran dalam menjalankan tugas, tak kira bangsa dan keturunan, miskin dan kaya, saudara atau orang biasa.

Walaupun pernah berjasa, kalau ada kesalahan yang dilakukan, maka layaklah dia menerima padahnya. Sekiranya KEADILAN dapat ditegakkan, rakyat akan merasa yakin. Sebagai rakyat yang bersyukur, yang baik kita terima dengan hati gembira, tetapi yang salah, tidak jujur dan yang paling utama menyalah gunakan kuasa perlu di tentang secara sah dengan mengunakan sistem kehakiman yang sempurna.

Oleh yang demikian, kita sangatlah berharap.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Istana Keadilan = Keadilan cara "Justice Pao"

Sejak berberapa minggu ini saya berusaha untuk tidak ketinggalan menonton satu siri drama cina di TV2, RTM, iatu "Justice Pao" diantara jam 6.00 - 7.00pm. Bukan pun faham bahasanya, tak pasti pula, mandarin ke, cantonese ke atau hokkien ?

Tapi, jalan ceritanya menarik. Dah berberapa kali ada cerita dengan thema "Justice Pao" ni, tapi tak pernah pula minat nak tengok, tapi kali ini, seronok pula.

Jalan ceritanya mudah, tak berbeli-belit, ada sistem kehakiman pada zaman Maharaja Cina, dinasti mana tak la pula ingat, tapi keadilan ditegakkan dengan keupayaan Hakim Pao ini yang sangat telus dan jujur, disokong oleh penjawat awam yang berdedikasi serta sokongan padu Maharaja sendiri. Jadi secara tidak langsung, apabila ada aduan, ia akan di siasat dengan telus dan teratur serta berhati-hati bagi memastikan bahawa tidak ada fitnah, tidak ada pilih kasih dan sebagainya yang akan merosakkan keadilan yang sepatutnya.

Apabila tersabit kesalahan, maka "Hakim Pao" mempunyai menjatuhkan hukuman dan dijalankan terus, di penjara atau sekiranya dibolehkan, di Pancung. Ada pancung kepala anjing, kepala singa dan kepala naga. Agaknya ikut orang dan jenis kesalahannya.

Ada dua tiga kes yang telah selesai dan hukuman dijatuhkan. Isu yang sedang keudara sekarang, ialah cerita seorang Datuk Bandar yang terbabit dalam kes melombong dan mencuri emas negara. Datuk Bandar ini berjaya membunuh orang-orang yang tahu akan pembabitannya, maka hakim ini terpaksa mencari bukti yang dapat mensabitkan kesalahannya.

Apabila menonton siri ini, kita bertanya pada diri, adakah ini cereka seronok, atau ia boleh berlaku dalam kehidupan harian. Baik kes berprofil tinggi sekarang, atau apa juga kes yang sedang tertunggak.

Baru-baru ini, MACC dan AG ada berkata yang ada kes mereka gagal/kalah kerana perkara teknikal. Bagaimana ini terjadi, ambil mudah atau tidak berupaya atau sengaja tak cukup bukti? Kita sangat mengharapkan agar keadilan di tegakkan.

Adakah hari ini, dengan satu bangunan yang canggih di Putrajaya "Palace of Justice" dan semua mahkamah yang ada mengikut kategorinya, dapat melaksanakan keadilan yang sewajarnya.

Kita sangat-sangat berharap.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Numeric 1, the new ICON

A suggestion to PNB ... 100 stories building with a design of numeric 1.

Well you see this "NUMERIC 1" everywhere, on shirts, t-shirts, caps and different design other than the regular one with colours of Jalur Gemilang. What you have yet to see, is a real 3D structure that are practical. Since so many people are so proud of this new symbol, it is only fair that the new tower design depicts the already "famous" numeric.

Even ... the idiotic middle finger probably has lost out to this pointing finger in Malaysia. If we cannot build the tallest building surpassing the Burg Khalifa of Dubai, at lesat it will be the tallest Numeric 1 in the world.

What say you PNB ???

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Nombor yang "Glamour".

Maka dengan ini telah diistiharkan bahawa Melaka telah diiktiraf sebagai negeri maju, sehinggakan ada seorang Senator yang bernama Akbar Ali, Bekas Timbalan Ketua Perangkawan dan Pengarah Eksekutif Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi (MTEN) Melaka, mencadangkan agar MB sewajarnya dianugerahkan Nobel Prize dalam pengurusan ekonomi negara.

Kalau tengok statistik, dalam NST, sungguh menakjubkan. Bila agaknya negeri lain nak ikut jejak langkah Melaka ya.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

100 tingkat ... IKON Baru ???

Kenapa 100 tingkat ? Kan ke bagus 200 ke, 300 tingkat, kata nak jadikan ikon baru.

Buat masa ini, bangunan tertinggi di dunia, Burg Khalifa kat Dubai sana, kita buat lah lebih tinggi dari mereka, jadi berbaloi lah kita berbelanja, tak kiralah apa orang nak kata, sekurang-kurangnya bila dulu orang kata Petronas Twin Tower bangunan tertinggi dunia buat seketika.

Tapi yang sedihnya, tempat nak buat tu biar betul, dekat dengan Victoria Institution, selain dari Stadium Merdeka dan Stadium Negara. Kalau tak silap mana ada tempat nak bina, dan macammana nak control trafik kat sana.

PNB nak belanja 5 billion, banyak tu, kalau saya offer buat 4.5 billion, boleh dapat kontrak tu ke??

Manalah tau, bantu jimat 500 million !!!


FAM dapat RM 20 juta untuk buat Akademi Bola Sepak. Lepas ni boleh ke pasukan bola kita lebih berjaya? Kalau masa Sukan Commonwealth yang baru lepas di New Delhi, ada sukan bolasepak, ada peluang dapat emas ke, sukan Asia akan datang bagaimana?

Tahap bolasepak kita buat masa ni tidak langsung menunjukkan peningkatan. Dalam Piala Malaysia, juara Liga Super, Selangor pun dah kalah pada Kelantan. Penyokong yang penyanggak kira dah nak sama dengan "hooligan" luar negara, tambah pula kat Perlis, ada batu yang melayang, nasib baik tak kena sesiapa, lalau tidak mau pecah kepala.

Apa pun, harap dengan Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan (juara tahun lalu), Kedah dan Johor FC, Piala Malaysia akan bertambah menarik.


Dah lah tak dapat meneruskan saingan ke Separuh Akhir Piala Malaysia, malang buat Selangor apabila dalam Piala Sultan Selangor edisi 2010, kena belasah pula dengan Singapura 6 - 0. Ikut cerita, pilihan Singapura ada ramai pemain import, tak terkejar kita.

Nasib la Veteran Selangor berjaya menang, kira terus nak harap kat Veteran ke, masa tu mereka tak ada gaji besar pun, Akademi jauh sekali, Korea Selatan pun dia boleh kalahkan.

Apa rahsianya ya ???

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The 19th Commonwealth Games

UPDATE Final Tally : G 12, S 10, B 13 = 35 TOTAL

Congratulations Guys and Girls, 2014 Glasgow, Scotland.


Today the games shall end and hopefully, we can get at least 12 goal medals if we counts all the possible 4 badminton medals that we have representatives in the finals. At the moment, we have 9 G, 8 S, 13 B = 30 TOTAL.

As soon as the games end, next up will be the Asian Games. Again, Malaysia will be pinning hopes on the same athletes for handful of goal medals in Guangzhou.

Well for all its worth, go for it guys.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Emas Pertama Sukan "Commonwealth" XIX

Update 07-10-2010 : http://cwgdelhi2010.0rg
Kesian Azizul, nasib baik ada Josiah. Badang-badang Malaysia ni kira ada kelas la.


Tahniah Amirul Hamizan Ibrahim kerana kejayaan memenangi pingat emas pertama untuk negara di New Delhi, India. Beliau berjaya mengungguli acara angkat berat kategori 56 kilogram dengan angkatan 257 kilogram yang juga rekod baru temasya.

Friday, July 30, 2010

FD! & Last point tentang FAM dan Bolasepak.

FDI Malaysia menjunam teruk, tapi kata menteri, walaupun FDI jiran-jiran kita lebih baik dari kita, kita sebenarnya tak berminat FDI tersebut. Kira "terror" lah kita, kita pilih yang kita hendak aje, yang kita "reject" baru pergi kat mereka.

Harap-harap, Pak Menteri boleh kenalpasti, yang jenis macam mana yang sedang beratur nak melabur di Malaysia sekarang.


Tahniah Malaysia kerana menang kalahkan Korea Selatan.

Nampak gayanya masih ramai yang sayang dengan Presiden FAM, kerana akhirnya beliau berjaya mempertahankan jawatan tersebut tanpa dicabar. Siap ada satu iklan dari FA Terengganu mengucapkan tahniah. dapat Datuk Pahang lah pengiklan tu ... kalau belum dapat lagi lah. Tapi ... ya lah, di Malaysia ni siapalah yang berani nak cabarkan? Lagi NASIB BAIK, salah satu Timbalan Presiden DARI KELUARGA yang sama, senang nak bincang masa sarapan, makan tengah hari atau makan malam.

Agaknya arah manalah kejayaan bolasepak negara. Kalau berjayalah Rajagopal dengan anak buahnya, maka berjayalah pengurusan FAM, tetapi sekiranya gagal, Rajagopal kena cari kerja lain. Dah cukuplah tentang bolasepak Malaysia.

Hammam Presiden AFC kata dia akan sokong Qatar untuk menganjurkan Piala Dunia 2022 melainkan mereka tarik diri. Lepas tu barulah dia akan sokong antara yang lain seperti Korea Selatan, Jepun atau Negara Asia SESAT, Australia.

Power kuasa dia ni ... ye, dulu Presiden FAM juga Presiden AFC.


Baru aje menghadiri satu Seminar dan bengkel mengenai peluang pelancongan, nak cuba berjinak-jinak dalam industri ini memandangkan Negara sememangnya mempunyai berberapa potensi yang belum di promosikan.

Rasanya Tourism Malaysia dah buat kerja kuat ke???

Friday, July 16, 2010

Apa cerita FAM ???

Azraii Khor kata dia tak hantar surat letak jawatan!

Apa agaknya yang sedang difikirkan oleh FAM ya?? Bila lagi mereka semua tu nak letak jawatan. Cakap berdegar degar, semua tak bagus, sejak zaman berzaman, bolasepak kita merudum, tak kan tak faham faham lagi.

Dah lah tu ... tapi hanya untuk rekod :-

Juara Bola Sepak Dunia : USD 30 juta (RM100,000,000.00)
Naib Juara : USD 24 juta.
Separuh Akhir : USD20 juta.
Suku Akhir : USD18 juta.
Pusingan kedua : USD 9 juta.
Peringkat Kumpulan : USD 8 juta. (RM 24,000,000.00)

Selagi kita tak "revamp" FAM, selagi itu lah Malaysia akan gigit jari. Saya ni bukan lah minat sangat kat bola, tapi sedih sangat bila teringat masa dulu, terutama Pestabola Merdeka, fuh ... seronok sokong Malaysia ... tapi kat TV aje. Masa tu, Korea Selatan pun kita kalahkan, Jepun, Kuwait ... semua seangkatan dengan kita. Dalam TV asyik cerita lama pasal James Wong jaringkan goal yang bawa kita ke Olimpik.

Malaysia Cup pun sama ... lebih lebih lagi masa Selangor belasah Singapore.

Oh ya, Azzuddin(Setiausaha Agong FAM) kata Korea selatan nak datang Malaysia, dah lama tak datang, tapi tak ada seorang pun pemain dari kelompok yang main masa Piala Dunia 2010, tapi masih yang bagus-bagus. FA Korea pun kesian kat Malaysia kot, nanti kena belasah teruk malu pula tuan rumah.

Tapi itu dulu ....

Sekarang ni, dik sebabkan anak saya minat sangat kat bola, kena ambil tahu juga, siap belikan jersi Team Malaysia lagi. Tapi hairan juga ya ... kat baju tu hanya ada logo FAM, tapi bendera Malaysia tak ada pun. Jadi kalau kalah pun yang kalah FAM lah kot, Malaysia tak.

Balik kat Piala Dunia FIFA. Punya lah seronok Sepanyol ...

Agaknya kalau yang menang tu Malaysia cam mana ya ... angan-angan Cinta Alam Malaysia ... Kot

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

USD 30,000,000.00 da....

FIFA World Cup 2010

Sepanyol dapat jadi johan FIFA World Cup 2010, dengan kemenangan 1.0 menggalahkan Belanda di Afrika Selatan. Sebagai juara, hadiahnya adalah lebih kurang RM100,000,000.00 (kalau betul la kosong-kosong tu). Belanda dapat USD 24 juta. Kira ok lah, siap kungfu kick lagi, main tak sampai 2 jam masa final. Kedua dua pasukan main 7 perlawanan semasa di Afrika Selatan, tak termasuk perlawanan lain semasa round-round terdahulu. Pasukan yang dapat pergi ke Afrika Selatan pun dapat ganjaran juga.

Kalau FAM kira-kira 'bodoh' lah, Harimau Malaya boleh jadi masuk final dan 'investment' berbaloi tak?

Tapi maaf cakap lah, SEMUA kat FAM tu kena turun lah, dah tak ada idea atau saja nak terus panas kan kerusi. Kasi peluang lah kat orang baru, Tengku kat Pahang yang dah resign tu tak payah lah nak offer diri balik, kasi peluang orang lain. Kalau ada idea pun support 'management' baru.

Belum apa-apa, Rajagopal kena jaga semua, yang pengurusan Harimau Muda A yang kena kenapa pula??

Kalau 2014, tak boleh, 2018, kalau tak boleh 2022 ... tapi mesti orang baru ...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Semalam sedih ... hari ni gembira sikit

Tarikh hari ni tak lah mengembirakan sekiranya kita ingat pada kejadian yang terjadi 41 tahun yang lalu, tetapi sekiranya kita positif, ia mengajar kita untuk berhati-hati dalam usaha kita untuk hidup dalam negara yang berbilang kaum seperti Malaysia.
Yang penting kita jadikan usaha untuk terus maju dalam setiap aspek hidup kita.
Yang menariknya lagi, semalam pasukan Piala Thomas kita berjaya melangkah ke separuh akhir kejohanan Piala Thomas 2010, dengan mengalahkan musuh tradisi, iaitu Denmark. 3 - 2. Lee Chong Wei, Koo Kien Kiat & Tan Boon Heong serta Hafis Hashim memberikan kita kemenangan. Kepada mereka dan seluruh pasukan (termasuk Wong Choong Han dan Mohd Zakri & Hoon Thien How) serta jurulatih, syabas dan tahniah.
Juga terima kasih kerana kami masih lagi boleh meyokong anda apabila bertemu China di peringkat separuh akhir nanti.
Kepada skuad Piala Uber, kita cuba lagi ... ok.
Saya mengharapkan agar kita dapat mengalahkan China esok sementara Jepun berjaya mengalahkan Indonesia, jadi adalah peluang untuk kita berjumpa Jepun dan BALAS DENDAM.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Malaysia 2,Japan 3 - Thomas Cup 2010, and will meet Denmark today in the quarterfinals. Imagine ... up 2 - 0 to lose 3 -2, how we need to improve.

As for Uber Cup, Malaysia decided to rest their top players as they gave opportunities to the younger players for experience of the mighty Chinese, being easily thrashed 5 - 0. The ladies will meet Indonesia in the quarterfinals.

Well good luck guys and gals we still wants those cups.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Economic Model - NEM

Just came back from attending MPC's launching of the 2009 Productivity Report and Productivity Award, and a presentation by Dato' Dr Mahani Zainal abidin, member of NEAC and CEO of ISIS. The MITI Minister and his Deputy were there, the lunch was good, maybe because it was sponsored by MPC. Ok it taste good nonetheless.

This is my first direct exposure of the NEM, other than what I read in the papers or heard in the news. Well it is "a framework" if I understood correctly. The presentation is suppose to be on the MPC website, however yet to be able to download it.

By 2020 the target is our average income should be US15,000 - US20,000, which if calculated at just US1/RM3, it should be RM45,000 - RM60,000 per annum from presently US7,000 (RM21,000).

And that is assuming that a growth of an average 6.5% per year.

I am not going to go into it, but of all the points raised during the presentation, my focus was at the fact that 80% of our workforce have only SPM or secondary school education. Now what does that show?

What if I say, our education system had been compromised. At the whims and fancies of the politician, we change our education policy, taking just language as a point to note.

English or BM, BM or English and or .... it seems never ending.

Need to admit though, my English is not good, but its better than most people and I go to school way back in the 70's. I wonder how actually will our children cope if we allow this people (who probably send their children to private/international school, or overseas, or worst still do not even have any school going children).

As the Dr Mahani compared our skilled workforce with the other countries, especially our Asian neighbours ... seriously we should be worried.

This is the 1st phase of the NEM, now not sure when is the 2nd phase, but seriously, I do not see anything that can bring us to US15-20K within the next 10 years.

Will it persuade the rakyat within the next 1034 days ???

We beat the U.S.A

And it is Malaysia = 5, U.S.A = 0.

Well its our ladies and its Badminton, The Uber Cup 2010. Not so many sports that we can even come close, but as I've always believed, you need to excel at sports that you have the chance. However, enough of that because the Superpower of ladies Badminton actually are China, Indonesia, Denmark and England.

Anyway, others are catching up, and before you know it the other countries will be at your heels. Just look at South Korea. They are now doing so very well in Football, Hockey, Badminton, when once we were the master.

And coming to that, I also would like to say ... no politics in sports. Lets support but don't try to take advantage of sports for political gain.

Enough is enough.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Good Start ....

Thomas & Uber Cup 2010
Our National Men Team, wins their 1st game due to a walkover, as the Nigerian Team did not show up. Well for all it is worth, a win is a win, and next is Japan.
In the Star today, National chief coach Rashid Sidek said that they chose to field their best instead of reserves because they wanted a good "warm up" for the players ahead of the tie against Japan tomorrow. "But this did not happen for us today. We will make up by having a good training session tomorrow." he said.
"Too many days without a match is no good for the players, We will keep them on their toes and be ready for the tie against Japan."
Well they better, hopefully that guy who match Lee Chong Wei during the All England Finals early this year did not get any better. We want the Cup to stay here in Malaysia, if not both, at least the Thomas Cup.
also in the Star today:-
16,000 VOTERS COST TORIES CLEAR WIN, say analyst.
LONDON : Britains Coservaties would have won a parliamentary majority had just 16,000 people in 19 constituencies voted differently, experts said as they analysed the election results.
Thursday's vote delivered the first hung parliament in Britain since 1974, putting the first-past-the-post system in the spotlight. Despite a strong performance at the polls, getting more than two million more votes than Labour with 10.7 million votes, the Tories came out 20 seats short of getting an overall majority in the House of Commons.
Conservatives Leader David Cameron "came so near yet so far," said experts Colin Ralings and Micheal Thrasher, the directors of the election centrte at Plymouth University in southwest England, yesterday. "Just 16,000 extra votes for the Tories, distributed in the 19 constituencies in which the party came closest to winning, would have spared us a weekend of negotiation and speculation," they wrote in The Sunday Times nespaper.
"The result shows that it is the Labour which continues to benefit mostly from a 'biased' electoral system, winning inner-city seats with relatively small electorates and constituencies with lower turnout," they said. - AFP
Now how interesting, sounds familiar somehow ... what do you think!
As more talks takes place, the Kingmaker seems to be Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg. He shall be the one who actually holds the trump card as who shall be the next Prime Minister of the UK. Imagine a party with only 57 seats decides the goverment. Of the 650 seats, Labour only manage to secure 258 seats as the balance goes to smaller parties.
So bye bye ... I think to Mr Brown.
So as for us here in Malaysia my reminder to our 222 MP's ... should you feel that you can still contribute please do what you were paid to do ... represent us well.
Only +- 1000 days to go.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Countdown ... UK Election

Hari ni, tinggal 1039 hari sebelum PRU13.

Tapi, arah ke 10 Downing Street telah bermula, tolak campur adalah 24 jam lagi. Maka Gordon Brown dari Parti Buruh yang sekarang ni PM ada peluang ke nak balik sana? Nasib dia la, kalau pulang hanya untuk kemas beg aje. Agaknya kalau di UK sana, sekiranya tukar kerajaan seperti biasa berlaku ada tak kecoh-kecoh macam kat sini. Kepong sana, kepong sini, ... ceritanya kata ada dokumen hilang kena shred, kena buang/bakar.

Procedure tukar kerajaan lancar macam mana ye?? Saya teringat ada satu cerita "The West Wing", proses tukar Presiden Amerika sunggoh unik dan teratur. Tak tahu la, kot-kot hanya dari Hollywood, tapi kalau cara itu sebenarnya memang sungguh menarik. Nanti kalau ada masa, nak buat research sikit, cara-cara peralihan kuasa.

Bukannya apa ...

Saya rasa kita kat Malaysia ni, tak dapat membezakan yang mana satu penting, sebab tu la Blog ini mengarah kepada Cinta Alam Malaysia, negara tercinta ini kita utamakan, tak kira siapa, asal Malaysia First ( Kita boleh belajar dari sesiapa, tapi kita kena ingat inilah tanah tumpah darah kita, dan bagi yang telah mendapat kerakyatan mereka, utamakan negara ini. Bak kata perpatah lama "Dimana bumi dipijak di situ langit di junjung". Lagi satu "Hujan emas dinegeri orang, hujan batu dinegeri sendiri, lebih baik negeri sendiri".

Jadi pilihanraya itu satu proses aje, selesai proses itu, ikut amalan tertentu, kemajuan negara kita utamakan, jalankan tanggung jawab masing-masing. Tidak ada siapa sebagai individu lebih berhak dari individu yang lain, atau satu organisasi lebih berhak dari organisasi yang lain.

Kita ni ikut sistem British, ada Raja Berpelembagaan. Ada Dewan Rakyat dan ada Dewan Negara. Kalau ikutkan, sistem kita ni sedia dengan "Seperation of Power", ada pembuat dasar (legislative), ada kerajaan (Executive) dan ada Kehakiman (judiciary).

Kerajaan yang terbentuk dengan majoriti di parlimen pula disokong oleh penjawat awam. Disni saya suka menekankan mereka ini penjawat awam (civil servant/publicservice) bukannya government servant. Sorry la ... yang tak setuju tu, kita tak nak gaduh ... okay.

Saya teringat ada satu siri menarik di TV dulu, Yes Minister, ia sangat 'reflective' kepada apa yang ingin sampaikan.

Bab seterusnya, sambung lain kali la ada banyak masa, kalau tak ada 'snap election', masih lagi 1039 hari. Saya nak cadangkan satu sistem yang mana bila Parlimen dan DUN dibubarkan, kerajaan sementara yang diketuai oleh satu Suruhanjaya yang dianggotai oleh "...... siapa2 yang diterima sebagai adil oleh semua pihak".

eemmm ... Siapa dapat Jaguar PM Britain, Brown, Cameron atau Clegg? Kita tunggu ...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

1041 Hari Lagi ... 222 kerja kosong

Bersambung dari, isu semalam saya nak cerita pasal PELAJARAN atau PENDIDIKAN. Bukan apa, nama ni jadi mainan oleh ramai sampai nama kementerian pun tukar berberapa kali, tapi isu pokoknya tak kemana juga, pi mai pi mai dok tang tu jugak.

Siapa yang boleh menafinya kepentingan pendidikan?

Dalam ertikata lain mencari Ilmu. Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda "mencari Ilmu itu wajib bagi setiap orang Islam". Maknanya ... hanya melalui ilmu sahaja sesorang itu dapat menilai dan seterusnya dapat menjalankan tanggungjawabnya dengan berkesan. Ini diarahkan kepada perkara yang boleh membawa kepada kebaikan dan manafaat kepada diri dan keluarganya dan orang lain.

Cerita di Malaysia, 2 tahun Pra Sekolah( rasanya tak wajib, tapi kalau anak-anak tak pergi, masuk darjah satu cikgu tak peka, makin ketinggalan anak itu).

Mula 6 tahun Sekolah Rendah (SK), 5 tahun Sekolah Menengah (SMK), 2 tahun Sekolah Tinggi (Tingkatan 6) atau 1 Tahun Matrikulasi/Asasi atau 3 tahun Diploma atau 4 tahun Degree. Ada pendidikan swasta dan ada pendidikan awam. Tapi majoriti nya pendidikan awam. Yang mampu atau banyak duit dan kurang yakin dengan pendidikan di Malaysia, hantar anak-anak mereka ke Luar Negara.

Jadi kalau kita conggak sebelum se seorang itu, memasuki alam pekerjaan, dia akan melalui 18 ke 20 tahun pembelajaran di Malaysia. Sekarang ini, Pendidikan Awam dibawah dua kementerian, iaitu Kementerian Pendidikan/Pelajaran (saya dah confuse, sebab tu tulis dua dua sekali) dibawah Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin dan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi oleh Dato Seri Khalid Nordin.

Sistem pembelajaran kita ni okay ke???

Saya rasa ok, hanya perlu kepada penambahbaikan yang berterusan.

Maksud saya bukan main tambah sana tambah sini dan tambah lagi, makin banyak yang hendak disogokkan sampaikan di SK punyalah banyak perkara saya "check" silibus anak saya nak tolong pun dah tak reti. Tapi yang "basic" atau "fundamental" tu tidak ditekankan. Dulu cerita tentang 3M - Membaca, Menulis, Mengira. Zaman dulu kita sekolah, writing dan spelling di persungguh, sekarang tulisan ... teruk la sangat.

Nanti ada lah yang kata ... mak bapak buat apa, semua nak harap kat guru aje. Kita kata asasnya pembelajaraan apa? Kita pasti ke yang sekarang ni 'foundation' pembelajaran di SK tu dah cukup untuk menyediakan anak-anak kita ke SMK. Saya berhak berkata kerana saya ada anak di SK (Darjah 1, 3 dan 5). Di SK anak saya, kami aktif dalam permuafakatan kelas dan PIBG. Dulu kita tak pergi tuition, sekarang kalau tak hantar tuition, "mungkin" tak cukup. Ramai juga yang tak hantar tuition, oleh sebab-sebab tertentu diantaranya, tempat, logistik, kos dsb.

Persoalannya, adakah pengajaran disekolah tidak mencukupi sehingga ibubapa tiada pilihan sehingga terpaksa hantar ke tuition.

Tapi ada juga ibu bapa kronik kerana hantar tuition sampai dua tiga tempat, lepas tu Kumon la dan entah apa lagi.

Seperkara lagi, selain dari akademik ialah kokorikulum. Ini termasuk yang wajib dan selainnya. Tahun depan akan dikuatkuasakan setiap murid satu sukan. Sepatutnya la, kalau tidak anak-anak kita ni boring juga asyik kena belajar aje. Kalau di sebabkan oleh program ini nanti kita boleh dapat pingat emas dalam olimpik bagus juga. Ni tak lama lagi, Piala Thomas/Pia Uber nak mula kat KL lagi, tak ada ke program ajak murid murid pergi tengok kat Bukit Jalil, nampak promosi macam tak ada langsong. Tak kira la siapa main, kalau Team Malaysia yang main kita sokong kuat, kalau team lain kita enjoy permainan yang hebat. Baru lah dapat semangat lebih. dah berapa tahun Piala Thomas tak tinggal kat Malaysia, 1992 last sekali kan. Pia Uber kita pernah menang ke?

Sukan lain, ni kita kena tengok keupayaan la, ada tu setakat seronok aje boleh la, nak maju tu banyak yang perlu dilakukan.

Balik kepada cerita pembelajaran. Saya hendakkan kerajaan yang memerintah memastikan pembelajaran di Malaysia tidak di politikkan. Kita perlu kepada Suruhajaya Kawalselia yang bebas dari politik. Maknanya mudah, setiap kumpulan berhak untuk sama-sama menjayakan masa depan anak-anak kita, generasi penerus kita. Peluang samarata yang mengalakkan "competition", kita perlukan anak-anak ini dapat pergi sejauh mungkin.

Kita tahu tak semuanya sama, tapi kita perlu sokong yang kurang berkemampuan dengan cara tersendiri, manakala yang berdaya saing disokong untuk lebih kedepan hingga keperingkat antarabangsa. Saya ingat akan Yayasan Selangor dengan program Asrama Doktor Latif (ADL) dan kemudian Asrama Tun Doktor Ismail (ATDI) dan Asrama Toh Puan Norashikin (ATPN) dan di kelang Asrama Yayasan Selangor. Oleh kerana pembangunan, ADL dah tak ada lagi. Uniknya program ini ialah, anak-anak yang keputusan penilaian darjah 5 dan sekarang UPSR pertengahan, dapat masuk sekolah terkemuka kalau KL tu dulu Victoria Institution (VI) dan St Johns Institution (SJI), yang permpuan tu ... tak pasti la saya.

Satu lagi yang saya ingat Asrama Inderapura di Kuantan, anak-anak yang dapat Gred 3, MCE masa tu diberi peluang untuk ambil balik atau duduki HSE. Sekarang dah tak da lagi, dah jadi pejabat kat kubang buaya kuantan tu.

Ramai yang berjaya dan seterusnya atas sokongan serta dedikasi pihak yang diberi amanah, mereka mendapat tempat dalam dalam masyarakat.

Kita kena terima, suka dengan tidak proses memberi ruang dan peluang ini perlu berterusan, dan ada yang dapat melangkah lebih jauh secara sendiri, motivasi diri kuat, sokongan keluarga, semangat dan kewangan ada, tetapi yang perlu bantuan tu ramai.

Suruhanjaya Kawaselia pendidikan Negara (SKPN) ini mesti telus kerana akhirnya anak Malaysia yang keluar dari sistem pendidikan negara adalah anak-anak yang berkualiti tinggi, mampu membantu diri dan keluarga, dan akhirnya tempias bagi negara untuk lebih maju dan bersaing dengan sesiapa sahaja didunia. Kalau kita kata Nobel Prize, kita ada, kalau kata Doktor Pakar kita ramai, Jurutera, dan semuanya. Kita tak nak rhetorik politik, kita nak 'substance'.

Sebenarnya ramai yang dah berjaya kalau kita tengok 50 tahun sejak Merdeka, tapi rasanya ramai lagi yang sepatutnya berjaya. Walau apa sekali pun yang penting kita tidak ada pilihan tetapi perlu kearah kejayaan yang lebih cemerlang lagi

Seterusnya ... bab pelajaran/pendidikan ni ialah, bila agaknya IPTA/IPTS setanding Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge dan banyak lagi Universiti terkemuka dunia.

Niche market kita apa?


Monday, May 3, 2010

1042 hari lagi ... Apa yang kita hendak ???

Fikir punya fikir apa yang kita hendak? Banyak ... banyak sekali.

Boleh ke dapat, kata orang kalau tak minta mana boleh dapat? Jadi saya rasa kita kena minta la, kalau dapat okay, kalau tidak tak rugi apa? Kalau orang Sibu sekarang ni senang sikit, kerana ada sebab pemintaan mereka boleh jadi kenyataan, PM pun dah ada kat sana, senang nak bantu mana yang kurang atau terlepas pandang oleh MP yang baru saja meninggal kan alam ini dan sementara menunggu MP baru dipilih. Orang Hulu Selangor kira okay la, dah selesai, dan dah balik aman tenteram dah.

Di Malaysia ada 222 kawasan Parlimen. kalau conggak mudah, sebelum 8hb Mac 2013, kena ada PRU yang ke13. Makna nya akan ada lah 222 kerja kosong untuk Parlimen. Selain dari Sarawak yang akan mengadakan Pilihanraya Negeri paling lewat tahun depan, 12 Negeri dan 1 Wilayah Persekutuan juga akan ada banyak kekosongan yang sangat ketara. Jadi selain dari ADUN dan MP, juga akan ada banyak lagi jawatan awam yang akan kosong, PM, TPM, Menteri Timbalan Menteri, MB, EXCO dan jangan lupa Speaker Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Undangan Negeri.

Tak lama ada 1042 hari aje lagi, kita buat "COUNTDOWN" okay.

Barisan Nasional memerintah Malaysia sebagai Kerajaan Persekutuan dan 9 Negeri, manakala Pakatan Rakyat memerintah 4 Negeri. Jadi apa juga yang terjadi diantara hari ini hingga ke hari pembubaran Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri, kita kenalah bersedia, baik yang terpilih sekarang, kot kot nak dicalunkan lagi, dan kita sebagai "BOSS" mereka, barulah betulkan, kerja tak sampai 5 tahun sekali, melainkan berberapa oorang yang kena kerja dua kali dalam PRK yang dah selesai atau yang akan berlangsung di Sibu pada 16hb Mei 2010 nanti.

Di United Kingdom, Parti Buruh pimpinan Gordon Brown ikut cerita akan kalah dan kemungkinan besar tidak ada majoriti mutlak, kena kerjasama atau yang menang kena jadi kerajaan minoriti. Susah lah nak buat dasar, tapi kalau baik untuk UK, sepatutnya Ahli Parlimen kena fikirkan Negara lah dulu, sebelum fikir pasal parti. Tak ke haru kalau tak dapat sokongan, kena tinggalkan 10 Downing Street lah PM Brown. Kalau tak silap hari khamis ni, maka adalah 3 hari lagi.

Kat Perak, MB Zam beri bantuan kepada MCA (dalam Berita Harian hari ini, RM50,000 tahun ni dan RM100,000 tahun depan), kenapa kat MCA bukan kat semua ADUN ya. Di Dewan Negara 4 orang dapat jadi Senator, Palanivel yang telah berkorban untuk Samy dan Ezam yang telah kembali kepada UMNO, yang dua lagi tu tak berapa kenal. Apa kerja Senator ya???

Sekarang kita balik kepada soalan asal ... Apa yang kita hendak???

Saya nak banyak, banyak sekali, sampai tak dapat nak tulis lagi...

Tapi ... secara keseluruhannya saya nak satu negara yang aman damai dengan keadilan yang saksama dimana setiap rakyat mempunyai peluang untuk berjaya dan dibantu apabila perlu. Kalau Perlembagaan yang sedia ada ni dapat menjamin kesejahteraan kita, ia perlu dipertahankan sepenuhnya, kalau ada perkara atau fasal yang boleh diperbaiki, kita usahakan. Dari situ pembuat dasar yang kita pilih nanti kena fahamlah tanggung jawab mereka masa kat Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri. tapi semua dah baca dan tahu ke pasal Perlembagaan Malaysia. Kalau belum baik baca, nanti tanyalah mereka yang nak jadi wakil tu, mereka dah baca dan faham ke belum.

Kepada pimpinan BN dan PR, saya nak rancangan yang kuat, orang yang berkaliber, tak payah lah 'politik' dan 'rhetorik', buat yang baik untuk kami rakyat, yang lain tu secara otomatik akan jatuh pada tempatnya, termasuk lah pangkah tu nanti. Biar lah orang tu "BERSIH", muda ke tua tak pe, cina ke india ke melayu ke, orang asal ke, janji mereka tu ... "BERSIH". Kalau polisi baik, orang "BERSIH" maka yang lain tu mudah.

Dah baik, "BERSIH", ada pula sistem "ENFORCEMENT" yang telus dan tak pilih bulu. Yang betul dibetulkan yang salah disalahkan. Lepas tu kira okay la.

Ini kira secara keseluruhan la, nanti saya nak sentuh pasal "PELAJARAN".

bersambung ...

Friday, April 30, 2010

Dah ke belum ????

Update : 11:34:40, 30042010
Yeee ... dah submit dah, kira lega la tanggungjawab dah selesai ... ada yang belum lagi??

Hari ni, 30hb April 2010.

Dah jalankan tanggung jawab ke? Saya baru jumpa EA Form, so ada lah 12 jam lagi, kalau guna e-filing. Kalau hantarv manual, paling lewat jam 6 petang, maknanya adalah 8 jam lagi.

Kita ni, (tu saya lah), yang lain mesti dah selesai kot, memang 'expert' pasal buat kerja 'last minute', pasal gerenti siap punye, dah terpaksa. Kalau ada masa tu, buat rileks aje, ialah ada masa lagi. Kunun nya ...

Apa pun, saja mengingatkan, ikut hati leceh lah perkara ni, tapi kan ke tanggungjawab kita semua. Pada yang berwajib (Kerajaan dan pegawai pegawai yang diberi amanah), belanja baik-baik tau, kalau tak silap haribulan ada yang dapat kerja lain, nanti salah kan orang pula.

Duit dari cukai ni, kita kongsi tau, bukan hak yang boleh buat suka-suka, kalau zakat tu hukum, nanti Allah SWT tuntut, lebih-lebih lagi itulah yang tinggal di akhirat kelak. Walaupun kita bayar tak banyak, tapi kalau kami tak bayar, gerenti kena kompaun.

Kalau tak da duit, nanti semua projek tergantung, siapa susah???

Ok ... masa untuk e-filing.... kalau ikut tahun lepas tak sampai 10 minit.

PS (1 Mei 2010)
Kepada mereka yang perasan 'BURUH", selamat menyambut "Hari Buruh", yang tak buruh tu dapat cuti, tapi sabtu ... memang ramai yang cuti pun. Tapi ada syarikat kalau cuti umum jatuh pada hari cuti, dapat ganti ... seronok nya.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dah submit TAX RETURN ke???

Sebagai muqaddimah, kalau lupa. 4 Hari lagi (update 28 April 2010)

Lamanya dah tak dengar tentang "Wawasan 2020" atau Vision 2020. Baru baru ini Tun Dr Mahathir (TDM) ada sebut, dari pandangan beliau, berkemungkinan besar, ini tidak akan tercapai kalau sekira perkembangan ekonomi tidak lancar seperti yang dirancangkan.

Mungkin juga disebabkan oleh perkara perkara lain, atau pun sejak bertukarnya pimpinan dari TDM ke Tun Abdulah (Pak Lah) yang mencanangkan Islam Hadhari, dan seterusnya kepada Dato' Seri Najib dengan 1 Malaysia.

PRK Hulu Selangor baru saja berakhir dan sementara menunggu PRK Sibu, mungkin Kerajaan Persekutuan yang merintah, serta Kerajaan Negeri (BN dan PR) serta semua rakyat Malaysia perluberhenti dan berfikir sejenak. Apakah kita benar benar berada dilandasan yang betul dan kemajuan akan dapat kita kecapi apabila 2020 menjelang, kurang dari 10 tahun lagi.

Bagi saya, suka atau tidak proses putaran bumi mengelilingi matahari akan terus berlaku sehingga mana atas kuasa yang maha esa, telah sampai masa untuk is berhenti (bagi yang menerima hakikat ini). Sehingga masa itu, kita masih boleh mencorak serta merencana. Kalau kita ikut Hollywood, semuanya boleh hancur, tapi yang best tu, masih ada aje "harapan". Yang mana tengok cereka hollywood seperti 2012 dsb, akan faham maksud ini.

Saya sentiasa berpendapat, ada baik dalam semua niat serta matlamat, tetapi atas sebab-sebab yang hanya ingin difahami oleh setiap individu atau golongan, hak bagi dia memilih masih hak dia, dan sehingga dia dapat menerima pandangan yang berbeza, kita perlu memahaminya dengan harapan dia juga perlu memahami kita.

Kalau kita cerita Politik, ada yang sokong BN atau PR, jangan ceritalah yang sokong C, D atau Z, yang sokong BEBAS pun ok juga. Saya sokong "Good Governance."

Kalau sokong bolasepak, sikit masa lagi FIFA World Cup, dah mula sibuk nak ke South Africa atau siap beli TV besar atau TV baru di rumah, atau bersedia menjadi penunggu setia di big-big screen di kedai mamak atau restoran. Yang mana lebih fanatik tu, cerita kelab yang disokong tak lekang dibibir, cerita EPL (MU ke Chelsea ... juara), La Liga (Barcalona ke Real Madrid ... juara, Serie A (Inter ke AC Milan ... juara), dan Bundesliga....

Oh ya ... juga jangan lupa Liga Super Malaysia. Selangor masih pendahulu liga walau pun tak berjaya mempertahankan Piala FA, tahun ni Negeri Sembilan yang dapat.

Masa depan kita terletak kepada generasi masa depan, tetapi perancangan yang betul perlu dicorak oleh kita masa kini, kerana apa yang kita ada atau kecapi sekarang adalah secara langsung atau tidak langsung apa yang terjadi atau di rancang 5, 10 atau 20 tahun terdahulu. Masa depan anak anak kita tergantung kepada apa yang kita corak sekarang.

Pelajaran yang baik memerlukan kos yang tinggi, antara guna duit sendiri atau pinjaman atau dapat biasiswa. Pinjaman semestinya kena bayar, biasiswa datang dari dana pemberi biasiswa, tetapi ia tetap dari DANA AWAM. Biasiswa swasta dari dana perlepasan tertentu yang tidak tercukai, manakala Biasiswa Awam dari cukai yang dikumpul.

Dan dalam proses itu, teringat satu perkara penting yang perlu kita ingat, dah submit borang Income Tax ke, sekarang ni guna online senang tau, bayar tax tu tak lah gemar, gaji pun tak besar, tapi kena ke tak kena, submit tetap wajib. Nanti kena penalti, marah lagi...

Last day kalau tak ada perubahan ialah jumaat, 30hb April 2010. 5 HARI lagi.

Ok la, nak gi cari EA Form dengan semua resit, yang mana dapat pelepasan tu, kena ada bukti.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Updates 23rd April 2010.
Scan through Blog Profile, as I added Tiger (1200) and Malayan Tiger (2) as my interest. Would recommend those interested to add to their profile.

Today its "EARTH DAY".

Funny isn't it, if we take in a year there are 365 days except when its the leap year where it shall be counted as 366 days, and we only dedicate 1 (ONE) day as "EARTH DAY". Its just like any so called special day, "mother's day", "father's day" and "teacher's day" and so on ...

Recently there was "EARTH HOUR"

Actually we human takes a lot or so much and yet gives back a little, if possible not at all.

So, if we looked back at things that are happening, we wonder why? And we continue to wonder, as if we were never part of it.

Now lets take the Tiger as an example. Here we shall be very specific about our very own "Pak Belang" or "HARIMAU MALAYA/MALAYAN TIGER better known by its scientific name PANTHERA TIGRIS MALAYENSIS. In the wild, it is said to number less than 500. (Actually, I always wonder how they ever get the numbers, counting each and single one or there are a special radar or something ...). Although there are quite a few more in the zoos and or privately cared ... however the condition are questionable.

What can be done to protect this "National Icon" ? Its on the "Emblem of Malaysia"

How much actually can we do?

Since last monday, the 19th April, until today 20th April 2010(to be exact 1pm), I went through personally sponsored Tiger Marathon In Cyberspace (TMIC) as I visited all blog that participated in the Tiger Blogfest 2010 (an intiative of the Monyet King). Eventhough some may have overlook their initial intention to participate, most or nearly all 115 Blogs contributed.

My personal experience are numb fingers, tired eyes and painful back. However, I learn a lot about Tigers in general, effort taken, concern and cares. There are true stories, poem (got to know that April is Poetry month), and most of all, I believed friends with the same focus. If previous post, been to Europe, well now cross over to North America (Toronto, Canada). I studied there about 30 years ago, and that person is about my elder daughters age.

All in all it was great, and we should look at other avenue to make this work. Since Malaysia is one of the 13 countries, what if we have a conference or convention about our "Pak Belang". Why wait for Vladivostok, Russia?

Let us do more, its for the future. To borrow a Malay Proverb : Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama. (A tiger leave its stripes, while human leaves his/her name).

As a saying goes,

"We did not inherit this earth, we borrowed it from our children".

Do you know of a japanese who is known as "Tiger of Malaya"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Tiger fest journal, thought that all will be in BM, but I know then for the benefit of our International participants.

Since yesterday, due to the Tiger Blogfest 2010, I've been visiting Blogs that participated. As of 5.15pm just now, managed to visit about 48 Blogs. Out of those 48, some had more than 1 posting while quite a few yet to do.

There quite a number of nice photo, write up and interesting cartoons. Most of all, what I once knew about our Pak Belang can be considered miniscule, compared to some of the other participants. Well ... that what this affair should be isn't it, what we know we tell, what we don't we learn from others.

Now our own Monyet King's posting about getting PM Najib to go to Vladivostok, Russia for the Tiger Conference is something. Will he go and be ... Raja Harimau ?

Back to my Marathon, I crossed the South China Sea, to Sabah and Sarawak, and all the way to Europe (i.e Belgrade, Serbia) before onward to Mexico. Although I do not understand what was written, the photo makes my day. However, our friend from Belgrade are willing to translate.

Not sure what I will see, read or learn but just can't wait to continue this journey.

Till then, all the best .... AAUUUMMMM

Kalau ada yang nak baca dalam BM saya alihbahasa la. Tapi English saya ni simple aje.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Bila buat search dengan nama Harimau Malaya, ada 237,000 results.

Tapi yang menghairankan ialah, banyak juga yang dikaitkan dengan Bolasepak Malaysia. Kalau kita ikut status Bolasepak Malaysia, nampak gayanya "HARIMAU BELANG" atau PANTHERA TIGRIS MALAYENSIS" ini dalam kategori yang sememangnya membimbangkan. Apakan tidak kalau kita tidak berhati hati dan mengambil iktibar, zaman dahulu bolasepak kita digeruni sekurang kurangnya di rantau sebelah sini. Korea Selatan, Jepun sama 'standard' lah kiranya, tapi sekarang mereka dah merasa "FIFA WORLD CUP", kita terhegeh-hegeh lah nak menang SEA GAMES (tahniah menang Gold Medal baru2 ini).

OK, bukan nak cerita tentang Bolasepak, tapi nak kaitkan sikit aje. Mengikut kajian, ada atau masih ada lebih kurang 500 ekor lagi, dalam hutan (tak kira sendiri ... seram, nak dekat). Yang selalu tengok dalam gambar, TV dsb. Oh ya adalah tenggok kat berberapa Zoo, tapi tak berani nak dekat sangat, takut kena ngap. Lagi pun kalau dekat-dekat baunya aduhai lah hancingnya.

Tapi, yang utama ialah kenapa kita harus mengambil "SERIOUS" tentang Pak Belang kita ni. Sebab utamanya ialah, ia adalah "IKON NEGARA". Kalau kita tak ambil peduli, nanti satu hari kita tengok gambar aje atau kat tv, pasal semuanya dah pupus. Kalau ikutkan, Maybank, PROTON dah lekatkan sebagai LOGO KORPORAT, tapi Pak Belang sebenarnya yang kita ank cerita. Dah ada pun cadangan nak tukar dari HARIMAU ke Katak la, Ayam la, Lembu, tikus la atau Beruk, tak ke haru kita!!!

Oleh yang demikian, kita kena mulakan dari sekarang. Dr Bala dah mulakan, dan ada 108 BLOG yang turut serta. Ada cerita, ada gambar dan banyak lagi.

Hari sabtu lepas (17hb April 2010) semasa sukan tahunan SK Bandar Anggerik, Shah Alam, salah satu rumah sukan(rumah kuning) telah mengambil Harimau Malaya sebagai Maskot mereka, dan diatas sifat kreatif mereka, mereka telah dipilih sebagai pasukan perbarisan paling kreatif. AAUUUMMM.

Berberapa organisasi telah memulakan langkah tertentu, diantaranya ialah MYCAT, WWF selain dari PERHILITAN. Kita perlu mengorak langkah bagi memastikan "PAK BELANG" kita sentiasa mengAAUUUMMM.

Mari kita selamatkan "PAK BELANG" ... AAUUUMMM

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What will make US great???

As usual, the first impression will be US should stand for The U.S of A. Isn't it ???
No, it is us ... MALAYSIAN. You, me and all those who are proud of this country. Well we have its shortcoming, and unless we decide to give up our citizenship, we should take pride and contribute to its well being. By the way the "Tax Man (LHDN)" are ready to accept your tax return do not forget to do your duty, if not the onus is on you.
For a small country with a small population, actually its quite difficult to compete with the giants, be it the US, Russia, China, India or the EU countries. However, there are a few, maybe more than just a few whose economy and success are much much better tthan us. Why ???
Once we are world's largest producer of tin, rubber and palm oil, are we still???
Even in manufacturing, if am not mistaken National now Panasonic (Matshushita Air Condition Group) was no 2 going to be no 1. Now they moved some of their production to China as they close some of their factory here.
Like it or not, Petronas Twin Tower was the tallest in the world until taken over by Taipei 101 or is it Taiwan 101. BUT ... probably is still the tallest TWIN tower.
So what will make US great?
Think of Malaysia what actually comes to mind???
The ...
NATURE ( Jungles, Flora & Fauna, Beaches, Highlands),
or maybe POLITICS !!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


This effort to save our tiger is commendable and it sinks well with this blog concept, therefore I am encouraging all to support. Lets make this work.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tiger Blogfest 2010 - 1st Announcement : Call for Participation (updated)

Dear blogging friends,

Since 1896, our nation had adopted the tiger in its emblems, crests and coat-of-arms. The king of our jungle. The symbol of courage, strength, bravery, agility and beauty. So majestic that they grace the crests of the government, universities, and private corporations. The national animal without a doubt. OUR HERITAGE.

But what have we done with our national icon. We have already killed more than 80% of them. By clearing forests without proper planning, we have deprived them of their homes. Hunting has decimated many (please watch this video of how cruel hunters are). Now there are less than 500 tigers left in the wild. And if the current rate of habitat destruction and poaching continue, these remaining tigers will be wiped out rather soon (perhaps by year 2020 when we all can be proud and call ourselves a developed nation).

We will look silly having the tiger gracing our coat-of-arms without any of them being alive. A nation that destroys its own chosen symbol surely cannot be called developed, can it ?. We owe it to our children and their children to protect our tigers in the wild. Much needs to be learnt and much more needs to be done to protect them. The current apathy cannot continue.

There are many organizations and dedicated individuals who are working very hard to raise awareness about the tiger, protect their habitats and to reduce poaching. But it is not enough. We need to reach out to more Malaysians.

The Tiger Blogfest 2010 [19 – 23 April 2010] is an avenue for the blogging community to contribute towards protecting our national heritage. All that is asked of you is to do what you are already doing so well… blog, blog and blog. Tell a story, write a poem, post a technical paper, draw cartoons, compose a song, relate your personal experience – anything as long as it convey the message of the need to protect our tigers. [preliminary details given below]

I know you will all rise to the occasion. At the same, efforts are being made with the media and NGOs to give this event publicity and the conservation community to leverage on the heightened awareness.

Planet of the Monyets
Coordinating blog



Tiger Blogfest 2010 – Preliminary Instructions

19 – 23 April 2010 [Why ? Because 22 April is Earth Day]

What to do
Post at least one piece in your blog about the need to protect the tiger. You can plan and prepare ahead of time. Your first posting must be made on 19th April, preferably before 9.00 a.m.

You are encouraged to post additional articles during that week. But you can just stick to one post if you cannot spare the time. It would however be nice if everyone can post two pieces, one on the 19th April and the other towards end of that week.

What to write
Post anything that you are comfortable with as long as it carries a message about the need to protect our tigers. You can choose to write a story about the tiger, post a technical paper, compose a song or a poem, draw cartoons, etc. etc. Preferably in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

All participating blogs should carry (1) the Tiger Blogfest 2010 logo; and (2) a common message about protecting the tiger. Both these items will be provided to all participating bloggers.

List of participating blogs
The list of participating blogs will be displayed at several tiger and nature-related websites. We are targeting 100 blogs for this inaugural Tiger Blogfest. [we already have unofficial confirmations from 22 blogs]

Other activities
Still being considered :
  • Link to a petition, urging the Government to expedite the implementation of the National Tiger Action Plan
  • A talk on tiger conservation – all participating bloggers will be invited

Note : The final instructions will be emailed to all particpating blogs (i.e. those who register)

Interested ?
If you are interested in doing your bit to help protect our tiger and participate in this blogfest, please contact Planet of the Monyets at to register your blog. [and if you want help beyond just writing about the tiger, do let me know too... tiger conservation could do with plenty of help]

Oh yes.... do let all your blogging friends know about this event.

Monday, March 15, 2010

All England Finals ... The 100th addition

2003 : Lost 1st Round
2004 : Did not take part
2005 : Lost Semi Finals
2006 : Lost Semi Finals
2007 : Lost Quarter Finals
2008 : Lost Semi Finals
2009 : Lost Finals
Finally Lee Chong Wei made it. Congratulation to our Malaysian hero including the Coach Misbun Sidek. As for Misbun, this is his second charge after coaching Hafis Hashim who won the title in 2003. He himself was once a runner in this competion way back in the eighties.

Well it was a worthwhile wait, considering the Rubber game during the mixed doubles (China bt Indonesia) and ladies singles (Denmark bt China). As for the ladies doubles it was a Chinese affair, while the men's doubles was a Danish one. The latest News.

It was a good competition that most player will not one to miss, but like it or not the next question is are we ready for the Thomas Cup comes this May in Kuala lumpur.

Are we ready???
Past Malaysian Singles Champions
4 Times - Wong Peng Soon : 1950,51,22 & 55
4 Times - Eddy Choong : 1953,54,56 & 57
Once - Tan Aik Huang : 1966
Once - Mohd Hafiz Hashim : 2003

Friday, March 12, 2010

All England Super Series 2010

Birmingham, England.

Setelah ramai yang mewakili Malaysia kecundang semas pusingan pertama dalam usaha membawa balik Kejuaraan All England setelah tidak berjaya di German Open. Lee Chong Wei yang tidak ke German, maju setapak lagi mengalahkan seterunya Sony Dwi Kuncoro untuk berjaya ke suku akhir.

Harapan kita, Chong Wei dan beregu (bekas pelatih beregu kebangsaan) Gan Teik Chai & Tan Bin Shen akan berjaya melepasi peringkat separuh akhir.

Ada harapan lagi ... 2010 All England kita punya !!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who Do You Trust?

Reader's Digest in their latest issue (March 2010), had a special report, and as they reveal the exclusive results of the first ever Asian Trust Poll, we wonder ???

The question they asked people to rate were of professions and local personalities on a scale of ten("Trust completely") to one ("Not trusted at all")

Of the most trusted professions, fire fighters, doctors and teachers. In the Philippines, farmers were rated highly, while the medical profession were rated highly in Hong Kong. Real estate agents, fortune-tellers and politicians rated poorly. Thailand rated taxi driver poorly while those in the finance industry are rated poorly in Singapore.

When it comes to individuals people polled consider an array of personalities across the board - from forensic experts to actors and spiritual leaders. Lets look at the Top Five from the countries polled in alphabetical order :

1. Josephine Siao - Philantrophist, Founder of End Child Abuse Foundation
2. Professor Joseph Sung - Medical Researcher
3. Dr Rebecca Lee - Explorer and Enviromentalist
4. Andrew Li - Chief Justice, Court of Final Appeal
5. Lee Sai Shan - Windsurfer, Olympic Gold Medalist

1. Nicol David - Squash World Champion
2. Dr Jemilah Mahmood - Founder of Mercy Malaysia
3. Lee Chong Wei - Silver Medallist Olympic Beijing 2008
4. Lat aka Mohd Nor Khalid - Cartoonist
5. Jimmy Choo - Shoe Designer

1. Rosa Rosal - Actress and Philantrophist
2. Lea Salonga - Singer and Actress
3. Jessica Soho - Journalist and Vice President of GMA News
4. Tony Meloto - Philantrophist, Founder of Gawad Kalinga
5. Beningno "Noynoy" Aquino III - Senator

1. Chan Sek Keong - High Court Chief Justice
2. Dr William Tan - Wheelchair Athlete and Charity Fundraiser
3. Tommy Koh - Ambassador-at-large
4. Khoo Boon Hui - former Commissioner of Singapore Police Force
5. Prof Lee Wei Ling - Director & Senior Consultant of the National Neuroscience Institute

1. Master Cheng Yen - Religious Leader, Founder of Tzu Chi Foundation
2. Li Chang Yu - Forensic Expert
3. Ang Lee - Film Director
4. Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi
5. Lin Hwai-Min - Founder Cloud Gate Theater

1. Dr Pornthip Rojanasunan - Forensic Parthologist
2. Phra Ajarn Alongkot Dikkapanyo - Head Monk at Wat Phra Bath Nam Phu
3. Dr Sumet Tantivechakul - Secretary General - Chaipattana Foundation
4. Phra Prokunaporn (Prayut Payutto) - Spiritual Leader
5. Phanya Nirunkul - CEO Workpoint Entertainment PLC

I am quite happy of the Top 5 in Malaysia, however, the list of 50 chosen in the Malaysian group are actually "Safe List", and when compared to the other countries in the study Malaysian in Politics or the Civil Service (Judges, Police Officers etc..) are not included. Even Corporate players are left out.

To be fair when making comparison, it would be better that same group and category are acorded to every country (eg. 5 or 10 for each group, common or professional)

The Trust Survey was conducted by independent market research company, The Digital Edge on behalf of Reader's Digest in October 2009.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2 years after ....

See how time flies, the so called Malaysian Political Tsunami.

Still so much has happen ... and whether which ever political divide you support, I still believe that any sane individual would love to live in a country where they are confident that they and their family are in a 'safe' & 'just' environment.

Now ... again what I say and what you think is of no relevance, we shall always learn to accept the fact that one need to 'AGREE' to 'DISAGREE'.

And I like this article ... by Kee Thuan Chye.

Not a time to lose March 8 spirit

There was a lot of optimism right after March 8, 2008. There was a sense that things would get better. But has there been much change two years since that day?

Instead of seeing multi-racialism being freely accepted and manifested in government policies, we find ourselves becoming more divided along racial lines. Right after March 8, Umno embarked on its campaign to warn the Malays that they were under threat and to rise up against this.

The government has assumed a schizophrenic personality – the prime minister talks about 1Malaysia while his deputy says things that are completely contradictory. The PM talks about multi-racial unity while his own party campaigns for Malay unity.

Many of us had hoped that, after the elections, both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat would set aside their political differences and get down to the business of working for the national interest, of saving this country.
Instead, they have been doing their darnedest to do the dirty on each other. BN is coming out tops in that effort because it has the media under its control. Both seem to be doing their worst to win the next general election.

We hoped for leaders who would be honest, clean and respectful of us the people, who would not think we were stupid or immature. Quite soon after Najib Abdul Razak took over as prime minister, he told a gathering of senior mainstream media editors: “I have no baggage.”

The editors nearly fell off their chairs. If the No. 1 leader of this country can say something like that, what can we expect of the rest?

No wonder then Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar could say that Sin Chew Daily journalist Tan Hoon Cheng had been detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) “for her own protection”. And current Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein (right) could come out to defend the cow-head protestors and actually say “they felt victimised”.

But the ‘best’ comment on that incident came from Dr Mohd Khir Toyo: “There was no religious significance in bringing the head. The cow is a stupid creature and (the protestors) wanted to point out that the (Selangor) state government was being stupid.”

How did such a person become menteri besar of Selangor?

Instead of being a formidable force providing a strong opposition in Parliament, Pakatan is now fighting to salvage its image. The number of elected representatives who have quit PKR is distressing, and Pakatan can’t blame the mainstream media for this. Neither can Pakatan blame anyone for its ability to produce ‘frogs’.

Anwar Ibrahim promised us defections from BN to Pakatan on Sept 16, 2008, but it never happened. Now it’s happening – but the defectors are from Pakatan. In any case, Anwar’s attempt to take over the federal government on Sept 16 was misguided and merely exposed his true ambition – to be prime minister, above all else.

We now see infighting among Pakatan’s elected representatives. We hear allegations of corruption in their ranks. We realise that many of them are in public service not to serve the public but to serve their own interests. All these negative developments threaten to erode our faith in Pakatan. Can they put their act together? Can they form a viable government?

After March 8, we hoped the government would undo the damage that had been inflicted on our country by the man who screwed up our institutions, created a culture of fear, fostered the negotiated contract, invested our money in white elephants – and still doesn’t know when to shut up. The Americans could only make ‘Avatar’; he managed to lead a country to the dogs. And yet the government has not dismantled the culture he created in order to restore our faith in the country’s institutions.

On the issue of race, Najib’s 1Malaysia project is mere window-dressing. It’s old wine in a new bottle. And I’m not apologising for the non-halal reference. I leave that sort of apologising to Star.
What 1Malaysia is there when Najib says one thing and his deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, says the direct opposite? The very day Najib publicly unveiled the 1Malaysia logo, Muhyiddin said Umno would fight to the last drop of blood to protect Malay rights. He has also said the BTN courses are uniting Malaysians in line with the 1Malaysia concept. How? Pray tell.

What 1Malaysia is there when Najib says one thing and his aide Nasir Safar says the Indians came to this country as beggars and the Chinese as prostitutes? And that “We can anytime revoke the citizenship of the Indians in Malaysia”?

Media failures

More insidious is the rise of the right-wing movement that the government has done nothing to discourage. Only last week, the Home Ministry granted its most prominent group, Perkasa, a permit to publish a fortnightly newspaper. Meanwhile, Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian continue to pour poison into the ears of the Malays by spinning that they are losing their land and privileges.

Surely, Najib could put a stop to such spin since the newspapers are owned by Umno? Why doesn’t he? Is it because he encourages media freedom? If so, why do we still have the Printing Presses and Publications Act, which requires media organisations to renew their licences every year at the pleasure of the home minister? Why is it still there to turn media owners and editors into eunuchs?

Star recently published an article which critiqued the caning of the three Muslim women for illicit sex, and public caning in general. When a few Muslim NGOs complained, the Home Ministry promptly issued the newspaper a show-cause letter. The ministry also insisted on an apology. So the paper dutifully apologised. No doubt all this is meant to intimidate Star so it won’t dare to run such articles again.

Should it be frightened? How do we push the parameters if we continue to be frightened? How do we encourage healthy public debate? I personally doubt the ministry would close down Star. The public repercussions would be negative for the government. More importantly, BN would cease to have an important organ for the dissemination of its propaganda. Star reaches out to a wide non-Malay, mainly middle-class readership. BN can’t afford not to reach out to these people.

Even after March 8, the mainstream media is failing us. Remember how relatively balanced they were in the months after March 8? Their owners realised that for the sake of public acceptance, they had to temper their pro-government bias and so they opened the window of objectivity by a few degrees. Besides, they had to hedge their bets in case Anwar did manage to take over the government.

But then when Sept 16 didn’t happen, there was no need to consider that any more. So the mainstream media stopped being balanced. Months later, Najib took over as PM. He tightened the screws. Thereafter, the mainstream media went back to bashing Pakatan.

Selective change

To be fair to Najib, he has shown that he’s serious about economic reform and he’s trying to make Malaysia more competitive and to lure foreign investors. He has also come up with the Government’s Transformation Programme that identifies six key areas in which the government intends to improve its service to the public.

The effects of all these, however, are not conspicuous yet. He did try to table three laws in Parliament to settle the touchy issue of religious conversion but this was forestalled at the last minute by the Conference of Rulers. But meanwhile, where are the institutional reforms?

When he became PM, he released numerous ISA detainees, among them the Hindraf leaders. But wasn’t that done with the next general election in mind – to win back the Indians? What about the more important issue – the ISA itself? What is being done about that? And what about the Universities and University Colleges Act, which denies student participation in not just political activities but also social activities that are not approved by the vice-chancellor?

Recently, the Universiti Malaya Speaker’s Corner was reactivated and a deputy minister who was somehow present at the event called it a clear example of the government’s open approach. Someone should test what can’t be said at that Speaker’s Corner.

What about the law enforcement institutions? We have yet to see the setting-up of the IPCMC which could help reduce crime and police corruption, and promote better observance of human rights by the police.
The ACA was reformed to become the MACC to battle corruption more effectively. Look at what it’s doing these days – mostly picking on opposition politicians to bring them to shame. Almost every opposition leader worth his salt is being investigated by the MACC. If you are not being investigated, you haven’t arrived.

We could also go into the attorney-general’s office and ask what has happened to the Lingam case, the PKFZ case, the RMAF case, the Hasbie Safar case, and whether the people who placed wild-boar’s heads in the two mosques have been arrested. What do you think we might discover?

Shaking off fear

So, what good has March 8 brought us after all?

Fundamentally, I think Malaysians are becoming more courageous. More and more are speaking up. Fewer and fewer are kowtowing to the people in high places. We are struggling to shake off the culture of fear – and I think we are succeeding. Look at the turnout at candlelight vigils and protest marches.

At the protests against the ISA detention of Tan Hoon Cheng, Raja Petra Kamarudin and Teresa Kok, people whom you’d never expected to see at such gatherings actually showed up. Three years ago, such people would not have dared come near such activities.

There is a new spirit of defiance now, and we have models of defiance to show us the way – among them Anwar Ibrahim since the reformasi days, Raja Petra, P Uthayakumar, Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin and his Perak band, and Malaysiakini. Instead of giving in to authoritative pressure, they stood tall. And that’s how it should be.

Malaysians are no longer so afraid of another May 13. Sure, there is always the possibility of racial riots flaring up but people are generally more sensible now. Besides, no responsible government would want racial riots to erupt and frighten away investors. The recent ‘Allah’ issue reinforces that. Despite the puny efforts of a few to create an incident by fire-bombing churches, attacking a surau and depositing wild-boar heads in mosques, the opportunity for riots fizzled out.

The political battlefields of Malaysia are no longer so clear-cut and marked by Malays versus non-Malays. From the time of reformasi in the late 1990s, the split within the Malay community has been evident.
In the 1999 general election (GE), it was the non-Malay voters who saved BN from possibly losing its two-thirds majority. Compared to the 1995 GE, Umno’s votes in 1999 dropped by 8 percent. Najib nearly got voted out of the Pekan constituency. He scraped through with a majority of only 241 votes.

In fact, as long ago as the mid-70s, it had already been predicted that a time would come when the major political strife would be between the Malays. The failure of the NEP to evenly redistribute wealth among the Malays has accelerated this. A class fight is settling in between the Malays who have not and the Malays who have a lot.

The real issue now is corruption. Many Malays have come to realise that the people who join Umno these days are largely doing so not because they believe in helping their own community but because they want to get rich.

Umno still tries to sell the idea of ketuanan Melayu but to the Malay have-nots, what is the meaning of that ketuanan? Even so, when push comes to shove, anything can happen. Much will depend on how effectively Umno plays the racial game. While it is unwise to look at the Malays as a monolith, it is equally unwise to ignore the tribal instincts of a community. Especially when it’s constantly being told that it’s under siege.

Looking forward on a more optimistic note, however, we have to acknowledge that March 8 has given us something precious for the next GE, and hopefully for longer into the future – choice. Now we have two coalitions to offer us their idea of a better deal. If we want to retain this duopoly that should work to our benefit, we have to nurture it. It sure beats having a monopoly.

The next GE will be crucial. It will determine whether we’ll get more of the same old, same old or whether we will get real change. Whether we will continue to be a nation divided along racial lines or be hopeful of being a truly Malaysian nation. If we are to keep the March 8 spirit alive and make irreversible the trend to take Malaysia out of the dark ages, we have to do our part. Those who have not yet registered as voters should do so as soon as possible.

It’s going to be a tough GE. Najib will want to prove himself worthy of being PM by winning it. He hasn’t won one yet. He’s PM now by default. He’s PM because of 2,600 Umno delegates. That’s the number that actually decided who would become prime minister. Only 2,600. We have seen in his handling of Perak how ruthless he can be when it comes to such things. So we need to be vigilant.

One of the tactics BN will resort to is gerrymandering. This might explain the recent PKR defections. BN will need a two-thirds majority to push through a Bill in Parliament calling for a redelineation of parliamentary constituencies. If it succeeds, redelineation will be really bad news for Pakatan. The opposition will have to strive even harder to win constituencies re-drawn to favour BN.

As it stands, Sabah and Sarawak seem secure for BN. To ensure that, Najib has been pumping more and more money into those states. In the peninsula, 70 percent of the current parliamentary seats are Malay-majority seats. That’s where PAS and PKR have to work really hard to deliver the votes. If they lose the battle for the Malay votes and Sabah and Sarawak remain loyal to BN, not only will Pakatan not make it to Putrajaya; BN might get back its two-thirds majority.

Whatever it is, when the next general election comes around, it might be appropriate to recall the words of Franklin Roosevelt: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Choice is what we have now. That has been the gift of March 8. We should exercise that choice – for the betterment of our country. And exercise it without fear.

Yes ... CHOICE is what we have now, and for all its worth, as we strive for the best, we hope those who are making the offer shall respect our decision.